Details Oneshot

Turtles and men

Director(s) : Luc Mauduit, Year of production : 2022, Duration : 65, Format : Documentary

Excerpt / Trailer


Nautile d’or meilleur documentaire - Festival de l’image sous-marine de Nouméa + Galathea de bronze - Festival international du monde marin de Hyères

Turtles and men


Sea turtles, these magnificent that can be the oceans, are loved by adults and children. It brings us familiars and well known. Am I what we really know about them? What are the habitats? The habitus? The cycles of life?
This is what men are trying to discover. Thanks to GPS tags, they will follow the placements of marine turtles in New Caledonia, from the South Lagoon to Beautemps-Beaupré Island in Ouvéa, and the important site of La Roche Percée. It is a unifying project that seeks to find ways to protect this endangered species. This is a first for the country. But what are the migratory corridors of this species not economic protection of the greater amplifier, at the regional level in the South Pacific?

Year of production


Duration / Format / Sub-format



G (general audiances)



Author(s) / Screenwriter(s)

Luc Mauduit

Distribution channels

Canal +

Type(s) / Organisme(s) de financement public

Fonds de soutien audiovisuel et cinématographique de Nouvelle-Calédonie

Year of production assistance from the New Caledonia Audiovisual and Cinematographic Support Fund