Details Oneshot
Between two worlds
Planned release date : 2024Director(s) : Alexandre Sigura, Year of production : 2023, Duration : 70', Format : Documentary
Excerpt / Trailer

Nico is Caledonian. He was born with an arachnoid cyst in his brain. After undergoing numerous operations in his youth, he now leads an almost normal life.
Nico’s whole life revolves around this “almost”, because the original cyst altered his cognitive functions: an invisible handicap whose moral and emotional wounds have followed him from his earliest days.
This film is the story of Nico who, for years, has lived off his mother’s income and, as her health weakens, must now, at nearly 40, find a job.
Year of production
Duration / Format / Sub-format
G (general audiances)
Author(s) / Screenwriter(s)
Distribution channels
Type(s) / Public funding organization(s)
Executive Production(s)
Year of production assistance from the New Caledonia Audiovisual and Cinematographic Support Fund