Details Feature movie
Director(s) : Geoffrey Lachassagne, Year of production : 2021, Duration : 90, Format : Documentary
Excerpt / Trailer

Legend has it that James Cook named New Caledonia because its coastline reminded him of Scotland – the Caledonia of the Romans. That’s what you read everywhere, what you learn at school. But no matter how hard you look, you’ll never find a reference, a cited source, anywhere. And the truth́ is that Cook has never justified his choice. What his logbooks do reveal, however, is that he only went to Scotland once. So if the legend is true, his memory can only come from that trip. We know his route along the Caledonian coast and the itinerary of his only trip to Scotland. We can do it again. Experience the legend.
Year of production
Duration / Format / Sub-format
G (general audiances)
Author(s) / Screenwriter(s)
Distribution channels
Type(s) / Public funding organization(s)
Year of production assistance from the New Caledonia Audiovisual and Cinematographic Support Fund