Details Oneshot
Kalepo, a Kanak during the World War
Director(s) : François Reinhardt, Year of production : 2018, Duration : 90', Format : Documentary
Excerpt / Trailer

While we know the fate of the Senegalese riflemen in the Great War, we know less that the Kanaks of New Caledonia also fought in metropolitan France: a thousand men, “natives” of the Republic, engaged in the trenches between 1916 and 1918. These were the men of the Bataillon Mixte du Pacifique, who had been promised French citizenship, among other things.
Year of production
Duration / Format / Sub-format
G (general audiances)
Author(s) / Screenwriter(s)
Distribution channels
Type(s) / Public funding organization(s)
Executive Production(s)
Year of production assistance from the New Caledonia Audiovisual and Cinematographic Support Fund