Details Oneshot
Our war
Director(s) : Emmanuel Desbouiges et Dorothée Tromparent, Year of production : 2017, Duration : 52', Format : Documentary
Excerpt / Trailer

A film about childhood, a film about history. New Caledonia in the 80s as seen by the children of that era. Now in their forties. They are European, Kanak, Wallisian, Tahitian, Vietnamese, Javanese or mixed. But they are all Caledonians, and they have one thing in common: they were children in the 80s, during the New Caledonian Events.
Year of production
Duration / Format / Sub-format
G (general audiances)
Author(s) / Screenwriter(s)
Distribution channels
Composition of original music.
Type(s) / Public funding organization(s)
Year of production assistance from the New Caledonia Audiovisual and Cinematographic Support Fund