Details Video clip
The pebble’s fables – season 4
Director(s) : Bernard Berger, Year of production : 2019, Duration : 2 X13, Format : Animation
Excerpt / Trailer

The island that glided on water: In the land of the seven islands, something strange was worrying everyone: the seventh island had disappeared! Timek sets out to find it, but to do so he must follow a long customary path through the clans of each of the islands.
The dugout that cried at night: In the land of the woodmen, everyone is born of the trees of the forest. Timek, accused of stealing the woodmen clan’s pirogue, is about to experience humiliation. Perhaps it’s the song of the waves that will help the little boy discover the mystery of the unfortunate pirogue.
Year of production
Duration / Format / Sub-format
G (general audiances)
Author(s) / Screenwriter(s)
Distribution channels
Composition of original music.
Type(s) / Public funding organization(s)
Executive Production(s)
Year of production assistance from the New Caledonia Audiovisual and Cinematographic Support Fund