Details TV series
The pebble’s fables – season 8
Planned release date : 2024Director(s) : Bernard Berger, Year of production : 2024, Duration : 13, Format : Animation, Season n° : 8, Number of episodes : 2

The Source of Thunder: Mount Thunder Guruguru is taboo, and no one dares to venture there. Between the mountain and the rest of the island lies the mysterious forbidden forest of the elves. The Thunder Guruguru became a man and left the mountain to find Teinua, a young woman who had disappeared into the forbidden forest. He meets a young boy named Timek who might help him find Teinua, trapped by a spring. The elves hidden in the trees tell their story to Timek, and together they manage to free Teinua. Guruguru and Teinua marry, and from their union, clouds and rain are born, helping to combat the drought. Timek learns that imagination can overcome fears.
The Feather Tree: A family of parakeets lived in a large banyan tree. The villagers were proud of them, but the parakeets had become arrogant and were devouring the crops. The villagers decided to chase them away but were unhappy about it. A boy named Timek brought back a lost parakeet, and the parakeets agreed to return. However, they resumed their plundering. Timek had the idea to trap them with special fruits. The parakeets fell ill and realized their mistake. From then on, they asked permission to eat the fruits and respected others. Timek learned that no one is superior and that we must share our differences.
Year of production
Number of episodes:
Duration / Format / Sub-format
G (general audiances)
Author(s) / Screenwriter(s)
Distribution channels
Composition of original music.
Type(s) / Public funding organization(s)
Executive Production(s)
Year of production assistance from the New Caledonia Audiovisual and Cinematographic Support Fund