Details Feature movie

Ni 28 – Strate II

Planned release date : 2024

Director(s) : Terence Chevrin, Format : Fiction

Ni 28 – Strate II


2018, New Caledonia. At a time when the choice of self-determination is being made, an epidemic is insidiously taking hold, preventing Caledonians from realizing that a major manipulation is taking place. Despite the pain and chaos, the survivors must unite to face this threat. In this ultimate heroic struggle to reclaim their country, several destinies will intersect…



Author(s) / Screenwriter(s)

Terence Chevrin / Alice Daumas

Type(s) / Organisme(s) de financement public

Fonds de soutien audiovisuel et cinématographique de Nouvelle-Calédonie

Executive Production(s)


Year of production assistance from the New Caledonia Audiovisual and Cinematographic Support Fund